One Month Update

Four hotel rooms/apartments,
Three sicknesses,
Two languages,
One anniversary later..... and it's been a whole month since we arrived in Israel!!!

It's hard to believe that 5 weeks have gone by so quickly. Not to mention eleven blog posts *pats self on the back*. It's been a wild ride so far; let's do a little recap.

Things started off a bit rocky with the shocking on campus housing, which lead us to the far away downtown student residence, learning the Haifa busing system, and enduring the stresses of apartment hunting. In the end, everything worked out well and we have been enjoying our little two-storey apartment.

Apart from signing a lease, some of the other momentous occasions include celebrating the doctor's birthday and our 11 year anniversary, as well as being a part of a Passover seder. Aside from these events, we haven't done too much touring. I bet a lot of you are shaking your heads saying 'Why not?!' Just remember that us being in Israel isn't a vacation! The doctor is here to work! And I'm here to... keep you guys updated and help the doctor get around by using my Hebrew skills - both are works in progress.

Speaking of keeping you updated, here are some upcoming posts to look forward to in the future (in no particular order):
  • Memorial Day and Independence Day
  • Food
  • Meeting up with a Canadian friend living in Israel
  • Israeli zoology & botany
  • The beach
 Stay tuned!


  1. I love and hate these cliffhanger endings...

  2. Hopefully you will take some time to do some touring. Enjoying your blog as usual. Keep 'em coming!


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