4 Month Update

With another month under our belt, the doctor and I are entering the home stretch of our stay in Israel with a little over two months to go.

For many years, the beginning of August has marked a time of change for me. Summer vacation is nearing its end, bringing the Canadian National Exhibition, school, and cooler weather--and many birthdays including my own. As a winter lover, closing in on the end of summer always brings a smile to my face knowing that the sweltering days of unbearable heat are numbered. Unfortunately, in Israel, hot days aren't as numbered as they are numerous! You'll have to wait for an upcoming post this month on the weather to find out exactly how hot it has been.

In addition to a post on the weather, here are some posts you can look forward to this month:
  • The Doctor Visits Washington, DC
  • Israeli Housing: Part 2
  • Nesher Park
  • Learning Hebrew: Part 4
