
October 2017

Schönbrunn Palace

Vienna, Austria

September 2017

My Birthday


Life After Israel

5 Month Update

August 2017

Learning Hebrew: Part 4

Weather: Part 2

Israeli Living: Part 2

The Doctor goes to Washington

4 Month Update

July 2017

Israeli Living: Part 1

Learning Hebrew: Part 3

Zoology 101

The Israeli Shekel

Three Month Update: Halfway Point

June 2017

Herbology 101

Grocery Store Tour


A Summer of Birthdays

Akhziv Harbour, Montfort Castle, and Adamit Park

May 2017

Two Month Update

A Collection of Random Pictures


Learning Hebrew Part 2


Downtown: Take 2

Memorial Day and Independence Day

One Month Update

April 2017

The Technion

New Apartment

11 Year Anniversary

Learning Hebrew


Downtown Haifa

The Doctor's Birthday

Israel is not Toronto

Flight and Fight: An Evolutionary Response

March 2017

Administrivia and Errands

Departure Day
